
A successful and trustful partnership between our partners and The DEAR Foundation Switzerland is based on mutual clear values.
The DEAR Foundation Switzerland´s values
- Political and religious neutrality
- Complete independence in our actions and decisions
- Transparent and fair partnerships
- No financial support without own contributions
- Regular on-site project reviews based on periodic reporting
- Enabling supported organizations to become self-sustainable

All people can lead a self-determined life.

We implement projects in the fields of education, health and economic empowerment to break cycles of poverty – especially for women and children.
Principles and Governance
- We support projects according to urgency, necessity, feasibility, relevance, and sustainability
- We only work with competent, transparent, and trustworthy local partners
- Every project is subject to regular monitoring and controlling according to The DEAR Foundation Switzerlands standards
- Maximizing impact of our investments
- Enabling our partners to become independent from us and other sources
- Managing projects professionally and according to entrepreneurial principles
- Monitoring programs in a cost-conscious, competent and transparent manner
- Being a competent, committed and solution-oriented partner
- Project beneficiaries must make a personal contribution and work professionally