Israel / PalestineIntegrated Jewish-Arab schools in Israel
Facts & figures
- Middle East
- Education
- 2015
- 2,000 Jewish and Arab children
- Hand in Hand
In a society marked by mutual fear and mistrust between Jews and Arabs, fostering understanding and cooperation is vital. This initiative aims to break down barriers through shared educational experiences.
Promote peaceful Jewish-Muslim coexistence in Israel by creating a critical mass of Jews and Arabs who respect and trust one another, and work together to make shared society a mainstream way of life in Israel.
- Open additional Hand in Hand schools: Expand to new locations and promote continued growth in student enrollment.
- Balance enrolment: Maintain an even balance between Jewish and Arab students enrolled in Hand in Hand schools.
- Academic excellence: Ensure high academic standards.
- Community involvement: Increase community involvement in Hand in Hand activities.
- Partnerships: Maintaining and strengthening partnerships with government at all levels.
- Share resources: Develop a Resource Center to offer multicultural curricula and teacher training for shared society education in Israel.
Jews and Arabs in Israel exhibit high levels of mutual fear and mistrust. A recent report noted that 46% of Arab citizens do not feel part of Israeli society; 58.5% of Jews try to avoid entering Arab neighborhoods; only 69% of Arabs can hold a fluent conversation in Hebrew; and only 6% of Jews can hold a fluent conversation in Arabic.
The Ministry of Education lacks initiatives to combat racism and promote coexistence. Hand in Hand creates institutions and practices characterized by mutual respect, recognition and understanding in Israel’s otherwise divided society. Each Hand in Hand school and community influences its local surroundings, impacting not only personal networks, but also the local government and the public.