How you can help us

Would you like to have a positive effect on the life and future of a child?

If you send a donation to The DEAR Foundation Switzerland, 100% of it will be injected into your desired project the following working day.

We will advise you on the projects most suited to you, whether it be children, education, promoting the welfare of girls, microcredits, the fight against excision, psychosocial projects, agricultural projects or promoting the peaceful coexistence between religions in the Near East.

Estates and foundations

We will be happy to advise you, without obligation, so that your estate or part of it will lastingly help the poorest in the world, and help avoid unnecessary costs.

Our donation account is as follows:

LLB (Schweiz) AG
Zürcherstrasse 3, 8730 Uznach
Bank-Clearing-Nr.: 8731
IBAN: CH19 0873 1571 7421 3201 3

Donations by natural and legal persons are deductible in Switzerland. Please note the minimum and maximum permissible amounts in your canton. For donations of over CHF 100, a receipt will be issued in January of the following year.

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